Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Typing ColorForth

I made the following extensions to ColorForth.

s 0 hello , i speak forth

stype 1 + @
type fffffff0 and unpack if emit type ; then drop drop ;

The word "type" takes a packed word and displays it on the screen. Right now it ignores all color tags and just emits charecters using the current foreground color. Note that s is a string variable. Actually it's just a regular variable, but I'm treating it like a string variable. Variables in ColorForth really point directly to block memory. So by adding 1 to the address of s I can get the address of the text for "hello". The word "stype" adds 1 to the address on the stack and then returns data which is treated by "type" as a packed string. So the code:

greet show text s stype ;

Will display "hello" on the screen. Of course that's only part of the phrase. I added a definition to get a word, display it, and add the address for the next word.

nxtw 1 + dup @ type space ;

The word "space" was defined in a previous posting. I then added a word to unpack and display several words of text.

words for nxtw next ;

So the code:

greet show text s 5 words ;

Will display:

hello , i speak forth

I'm looking for better ways to do this. All comments welcome.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you please describe the "native code generation" calling method?

I am at a loss to find how colorforth uses
the NEXT macro?


July 21, 2008 at 7:54 AM  
Blogger johnmdrake said...

I'm not sure what you mean by "native code generation calling method".

As for the "next" macro that is for FOR..NEXT loop. FOR takes a number off of the state and is the beginning of the loop. NEXT decrements the number and jumps to the beginning of the loop.

July 21, 2008 at 8:04 PM  

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